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Posts with tag Typescript

Cover Image for Linting in TypeScript using ESLint and Prettier

Linting in TypeScript using ESLint and Prettier

In the dynamic world of full-stack development, incorporating linting and formatting tools such as ESLint and Prettier, along with your TypeScript projects, is essential. This integration is particularly important in team settings to ensure code uniformity in syntax and style. Additionally, these tools play a vital role in early detection of errors and bugs. In this article, we'll explore how these tools automate the coding process to produce clean, consistent, and production-ready code.

4 min read
Cover Image for Master schema validation in TypeScript with Zod

Master schema validation in TypeScript with Zod

In this article, we'll walk you through the process of implementing schema validation in your project with the help of Zod. Zod is a powerful open-source TypeScript library designed for both declaring schemas and performing validation. We'll delve into the reasons behind choosing Zod for schema validation, offer practical examples to illustrate its usage, and even draw comparisons with alternative libraries.

5 min read
Cover Image for Create a React app with Vite + TypeScript in under 2 minutes

Create a React app with Vite + TypeScript in under 2 minutes

Effortlessly Kickstart Your next React Project with Vite and TypeScript: Rapid Development, Enhanced Scalability, and Seamless Tooling. Learn how to set up a project in under 2 minutes, leveraging Vite's speed, TypeScript's type safety, and a custom boilerplate for optimized build workflows, testing, linting, and Docker integration.

5 min read
Cover Image for Build and Send Stunning Emails using React and TypeScript

Build and Send Stunning Emails using React and TypeScript

Dive into the world of React Email and revolutionize your email development process. Learn how this powerful library simplifies the creation and delivery of responsive emails using React and TypeScript. Explore its benefits, use cases, and follow a detailed guide to get started today.

5 min read
Cover Image for Simplify Database Access with Prisma: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Simplify Database Access with Prisma: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Are you tired of spending hours writing complex SQL queries and dealing with cumbersome database configurations? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll introduce you to Prisma—an open-source database toolkit—that aims to revolutionize how you interact with databases in your web applications.

12 min read
Cover Image for Introduction to TypeScript for Beginners

Introduction to TypeScript for Beginners

TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that aims to address the limitations of JavaScript and improve the developer experience. It introduces static typing, enhanced tooling, and additional features that make it easier to build and maintain large-scale JavaScript applications.

7 min read